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Thursday, 11 August 2016

General and Education philosphy

General Philosophies:
1. Idealism------------Plato
2. Naturalism---------J.J. Rousseau
3. Realism------------Aristotle
4. Pragmatism------- chales pierce
5. Existentialism-----Soren Kierkegaard
Education Philosophies:
1. Pernnialism--------Robert Hutchins
2. Essentialism-------William Bagley (1874-1946)
3. Progressivism-----John Dewey, Kilpartick
4. Reconstructionism--Theodore Bramled

1. An important question of general philosophy is ?(Answer... What is education )
2. Values are created as a result of social human interaction , according to?Answer... Pragmatism Philosophers)
3. Authentic knowledge is realism is gained through ?Answer... Empirical Knowledge)
4. One would expect the curriculum of idealist school to place emphasis on ?Answer... The liberal arts and Humanities)
5. Obedience, scholarship and confirming to rules and norms is expected in ?Answer... Idealist)
6. Emphasis is given to lecture method is philosophy of ?Answer... Perennialism)
7. Knowledge and skills those lead to university education was slogan of ?Answer... Progressivism)
8. Academic subject matter was strongly recommended by ?Answer... Essentialism)
9. Knowledge gained through "Insight" is called ?Answer... Intuitive knowledge)
10. In the communication process the hearing and understanding of the message is ?Answer... Decoding)
11. Muneer is the students of 5 grade. He is explaining to his father that his Islamic Studies book
needs to repaired . This is an example of flow of communication ? (Answer...Upward)
12. Selection of one of the alternatives among many is called ? (Answer...Decision Making)
13. Motivation -Hygiene Theory, which is helpful in understanding the level of job satisfaction of teacher was
developed by ? (Answer...Frederick Hertzberg)
14. Retaining most of the authority to implement decisions in any institution is ? (Answer...Centralization)
15. "Informal groups can work: effectively and efficiently " in organizations was
finding ? (Answer...Human Relation Approach)
16. Planning of primary school can be called ? (Answer...Long term Planning)
17. Acronym 'POSDCoRB' for the function of an administration was introduced by ? (Answer...Gulick)
18. 'Leaders are born not made' is emphasis of ? (Answer...Great Man Theory)
19. Theory X & Y for effective administration was developed by ? (Answer...McGregor)
20. A researcher collected sample from many students available in school is called ? (Answer...Purposive sampling)
21. Misconception that all areas have been studies is knows as ? (Answer...Due to unlimited problem)
22. The mental and emotional reaction of a person to his/her job cheerfulness is ? (Answer...Motivation)

PHILOSOPHY copied ap mistakea b identify kr dia kro.
Q20=Literal Meaning of Philosophy is( Love of wisdom.)
Q21=Axiology deals with( values)(Ethics)()
Q22=Epistomology deals with ( Knowledge)
Q23=Ontology(Metaphysics) deals with reality.
Q24=Word Philosophy is derived (Philla & Sophia)
Q25=To seek truth and reality is ( Philasophy)
Q26=An Important Question of Philosophy is ( What is Universe )
Q27=”Philosophy & Education are two sides of a coin”according to “ Ross
Q28=”Everlasting reality “ is focused in:( Perennilism)
Q29=”Reforms are Necessary in all walks of life”is focused in ( Perennilism)
Q30=Study of great books is at the core of ( Perennilism)
Q31=”Parmanance” is more real than change” ( Perennilism)
Q32=Major Exponents of Perennilism are (Bentock,Adler,Hutchins)
Q33=Essentialist philosophy of education is ( Content and Teacher Centered)
Q34=”Useful Culture & Skills is emaphasized in ( Essentialism)
Q35=Essentialists stress on (Change)
Q36=Life is continuous changing process ( Progressivism)
Q37=School should be run on democratic lines ( Progressivism)
Q38=Experimental knowledge is real( Progressivism)
Q39=The Currlculum will be” child centered “ ( Progressivist)
Q40=Essentialists would get their aim of education from(Proggressivism)
Q41=”Education is life itself not preparation for life” ( Progressivism)
Q42=Electicisim means borrowing beliefs from (Different Philosophies)
Q43=Progressivist in teacher put more emphasis on (Practical Education)
Q44=The application of philosophy in education may be(Selection of Objectives)
Q45=The Objectives come from ( Philosoph
1= According to which philosophy “ permanence is more real than change” = Perrenialism (Headmaster Exam15,1st time Question)
Q2= The study of great books = perrenialism(Headmaster Exam15,1st time Question)
Q3= Pusuit of wisdom and truth is = philosophy (Headmaster Exam15,1st time Question)
Q4= Who is associated with behaviorism = J.B Watson(Headmaster Exam15,1st time Question)
Q5= Change in education is a change in = society(Headmaster Exam15,1st time Question)
Q6= Heirchery of needs presented by = Maslow(Headmaster Exam15,1st time Question)
Q7= Social reforms is the main task of == Reconstructionism(Headmaster Exam15,1st time Question)
Q8= Values are the truth according to: = Idealism( I ticked). Realism. Existienialism . essentialism
(Headmaster Exam15,1st time Question)
Q9= Computer education is prohibited in philosophy = perenialism(Headmaster Exam15,1st time Question)
Q10= The education for mind and body in which philosophy = idealism ( other option was realism
(Headmaster Exam15,1st time Question)
Q11= determining good or bad of something (axiology) (Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)
Q12= shah wali ullah philosophy (realism) (Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)
Q13= individual living in society (existentialism) (Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)
Q14= practical aspect of philosophy(learning) (Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)
Q15= Rousseau statement about his philosophy naturalism. (Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)
Q16= axiology deals with (values) (Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)
Q17= which philosophy answer this question, how can we communicate with others without personal contradictions. (axiology) doubted(Headmaster Exam15,2nd time Question)
Q18=When, what, why and How, to teach is the main task of? A. Observation B. Education psychology C. Foundation of curriculum D. Is the purpose of life? Answer is = B
Q19=Philosophical foundation of curriculum is concerned with? Answer ideas
A. Ideas B. Psychological foundation C. Society D. Content Answer is = A

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