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Thursday, 14 June 2018

*Let's have (120) Synonyms and Antonyms:*

*Let's have (120) Synonyms and Antonyms:*

1. *Above* = below
2. *Absent* = present
3. *Accident* = intent
4. *Accomplishment* =failure
5. *Achieve* = fail
6. *Add* = subtract
7. *Adjacent* = distant
8. *Admire* = detest
9. *Admit* = reject
10. *Adore* = hate
11. *Advance* = retreat
12. *Affirm* = deny
13. *Afraid* = confident
14. *After* = before
15. *Aid* = hinder
16. *Alarm* = comfort
17. *Alert* = asleep
18. *Alive* = dead
19. *Allow* = forbid
20. *Alone* = together
21. *Amateur* = professional
22. *Amuse* = bore
23. *Ancient* = modern
24. *Annoy* = soothe
25. *Answer* = question
26. *Apparent* = obscure
27. *Argue* = agree
28. *Arrive* = depart
29. *Arrogant* = humble
30. *Ascend* = descend
31. *Attack* = defend
32. *Attract* = repel
33. *Awake* = asleep
34. *Awkward* = graceful
35. *Back* = front
36. *Bad* = good
37. *Beautiful* = ugly
38. *Before* = after
39. *Bent* = straight
40. *Better* = worse
41. *Big* = little
42. *Birth* = death
43. *Bitter* = sweet
44. *Black* = white
45. *Blunt* = sharp
46. *Body* = soul
47. *Bold* = timid
48. *Bottom* = top
49. *Brave* = cowardly
50. *Break* = repair
51. *Brief* = long
52. *Bright* = dull
53. *Bring* = remove
54. *Boy* = girl
55. *Busy* = idle
56. *Buy* = sell
57. *Capture* = release
58. *Cause* = effect
59. *Cautions* = careless
60. *Center* = edge
61. *Change* = remain
62. *Cheap* = expensive
63. *Child* = adult
64. *Chilly* = warm
65. *Clean* = dirty
66. *Close* = open
67. *Cold* = hot
68. *Command* = obey
69. *Complex* = simple
70. *Compliment* = insult
71. *Constant* = variable
72. *Continue* = interrupt
73. *Cool* = warm
74. *Copy* = original
75. *Countrymen* = foreigner
76. *Crazy* = sane
77. *Crooked* = straight
78. *Cruel* = kind
79. *Cry* = laugh
80. *Curse* = bless
81. *Damage* = improve
82. *Dark* = light
83. *Dawn* = sunset
84. *Day* = night
85. *Deep* = shallow
86. *Destroy* = create
87. *Difficult* = easy
88. *Dim* = bright
89. *Divide* = unite
90. *Doubt* = trust
91. *Drunk* = sober
92. *Dull* = sharp
93. *Dumb* = smart
94. *Earth* = sky
95. *Easy* = hard
96. *Elementary* = advanced
97. *End* = begin
98. *Even* = odd
99. *Evening* = morning
100. *Evil* = good
101. *Exceptional* = common
102. *Expand* = shrink
103. *Fail* = pass
104. *Failure* = success
105. *False* = true
106. *Famous* = unknown
107. *Fancy* = plain
108. *Fast* = slow
109. *Fat* = thin
110. *Fiction* = fact
111. *Find* = lose
112. *Finish* = start
113. *Firm* = flabby
114. *Fix* = break
115. *Follow* = lead
116. *Forgive* = blame
117. *Forward* = backward
118. *Fresh* = stale
119. *Free* = restricted
120. *Friend* = enemy

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